About Me

A Photo of me, Justin Farley

I am currently a sophomore at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, and I am majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics. I am a highly motivated and hardworking student. I have been recognized for excellent communication and problem solving skills, and am very determined to succeed in my career path. I have great collaborative abilities, and I am always motivated to push and improve my skills. My future goals are to complete my degree in Computer Science and along the way acquire opportunities relating to the Computer Science and/or software engineering field(s). I plan to pursue a career of Software Development, as well as continuing my love for making video games.

From a young age (around 7th grade) I had taught myself programming. I started out with Java on my own, using any free online resources I could get my hands on to learn. Later I learned Python, which, because of it's power, allowed me to make some fun little projects, such as a Chimpanzee Test AI, and a few other personal projects. From there I expanded my skillset to Javascript, where I started with a Javascript Browser Game and recreated the famous DVD Bonk. Since I didn't know HTML or CSS at this point, they were simple projects, but good practice projects which most definitely enhanced my skills. After a little more practice I created a Javascript Maze Solver, which I ended up recreating in Java after some time for one of my classes. Eventually I ended up learning C and C++ as well, thanks to some classes and summer courses I took.

Unity is one of my most proud skills (as you can tell by the fact I made a seperate paragraph for it). I started learning Unity as early as I could once I knew the basics of Java, since I was made aware that C# was similar to Java, although very different too. Unity is probably one of the best decisions I could have made learning-wise, as some very important programming principles were made aware to me through Unity. Namely the concepts of Classes/Objects, Inheritence, and Abstract Classes/Interfaces. The way Unity is organized gave new insight into these concepts, and in the process of doing so I became a better programmer overall. Since these concepts were general relative to OOP(Object Oriented Programming), the knowledge could be applied in all of the languages I know. Because of this I have continued to make Unity projects, exploring different kinds of styles and expanding my skillset. Because of my extended experience with Unity, C# has become one of my top programming languages (and my favorite) along with the similar language of Java.

Recently I have begun to explore even further into the programming realm via front-end languages and databases, as well as Functional Programming with C# and soon Haskell. I learned SQL, followed by HTML and CSS. This website acts as my practice using HTML/CSS and so far I have enjoyed using them! I Hope you enjoyed reading about me. I know I am not a writer, as I only write code😉, but I felt it would be fun to share my journey so far with anyone reading!